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Reliable. Secure. Clean.

Investing in a carbonless future together

Investor relations

Strategic plan 2018 - 2025
Enereon Group presents the strategic plan for the next years

Executive summary

  • Investment in a global energy company with lean company structure and All-in-One Energyconcept - Participation as a Shareholder possible

  • Participation in single energy projects on SPV level (project companies)

  • Total companies control of all project processes by applying a verticalized company model - highest earnings possible with low risk parameters

  • Target: Projects in the field of renewable energies, especially PV, Wind and hydroelectrics with medium-sized and large plants, possible upsizing

  • Portfolio diversification using different technologies on multiple markets

  • Business: Energy investment on whole plant lifecycle : Financing, Engineering, Construction, Operation and Asset management

  • Chance: Unique possibility to partecipate in industry wide changes on global energy markets

  • Advantages: Stable business model, high returns + low cost financing, low risk parameters, professional energy company with longyear esperience on global markets

Security concept

  • Professional risk management and 4-step risk validation

  • Projekt and company rating

  • Company certification and professional consulting

  • Transparency by direct project insight and plant inspection

  • Plant monitoring

strategic plan

Financial indicators

IRR after taxes (Projekt portfolio):                     > 10% (2019-2025)

IRR with financial leverage:                                60-200% 

Paybacktime:                                                     7-10 years

Investment risk:                                                 Comparable to government bonds (Rating: Investment- grade)

Contact us for a detailed businessplan review 
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