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Services around energy systems

Engineers by passion

Engineers by passion

Going into the machine room

To make your "rocket" work, you need to manage various technical systems. We offer a wide range of services related to your power plant, so you are not alone when it comes to handling individual problems or solving any kind of technical issue. Try our new security package and stay safe. See our track record. Check out our trackrecord

Engineering services

Technical and administrative services

Safety Checks


Safety checks on power plants and IT systems

Due diligence


Legal plant check and reporting

Project and site management​


Following your projects during construction

PAC and FAC Tests


Provisional and final acceptance test

Plant design


Development of energy systems



Supervising & contracting on basis of technical requirements

Quality Controls


Quality management during construction

Electrical engineering


Development of electrical design

Technical diligence


Technical system check and reporting



Technical changes on existing systems



"Greenfield" and "Brownfield" development of energy systems



Other solutions


Solutions and offers for private investors


Engineering packages and development of energy systems

Not satisified with our solutions?

Get in contact with us and tell us what you need

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